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CBA London AGM and Spring 2021 London Archaeological Forum – 27th May 2021


Updated: Aug 27, 2022

We are pleased to announce that we are holding our AGM and LAF on Thursday 27th May at 18:00 via Zoom! All the members should have received an email update regarding the meeting – please remember to check your Spam email box if it hasn’t arrived!

You can register to join us via Eventbrite. Booking is free, and open from Thursday 13th May at 12:00. general-meeting-of-cba-london-tickets-154423652301

The short AGM will be followed by the usual LAF meeting. Please click on the following links to download a copy of the AGM Agenda, Trustees Report and Treasurers Report 2020-21. Minutes for approval from the AGM & LAF meeting in November 2020:

If you are interested in joining the CBA London committee or taking one of the Officer posts, please let us know! We’d be happy to discuss what’s involved before the meeting – just contact Becky Wallower at

LAF Agenda Nathalie Cohen – Becket and London – As the new exhibition at the British Museum on Thomas Becket: Murder and the Making of a Saint opens, Nathalie will be considering how Becket’s links to London are evident in history and archaeology. Nathalie led many events for CBA London during her time with Thames Discovery Programme and MOLA, and as Cathedral Archaeologist at Southwark. She’s now archaeologist for Canterbury Cathedral and National Trust South East. Caroline Raynor – HS2 Euston station – Caroline is a Project Manager and Principal Archaeologist at Costain Skanska who was responsible for the design and delivery of the HS2 Euston Cemetery archaeological excavations. She spoke to an earlier LAF and now the excavations are complete, and the post-excavation works started, she will now be giving us an initial insight into the results of the investigations. Alistair Douglas – Bermondsey Abbey excavations – Alistair is the H&S Manager at Pre-Construct Archaeology who has worked on and supervised excavations across London for 30 years. These have included some of those undertaken at Bermondsey Abbey in Southwark. Now that he is close to completing the publication of the monograph on these investigations he is going to talk about an aspect of his research.

We look forward to seeing you there!



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