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Festival of Archaeology Launch Event – 13th July 2019


Updated: Jul 14, 2022

The Festival of Archaeology is a UK-wide annual two-week event, coordinated by the Council for British Archaeology. The Festival showcases the work of archaeologists and encourages people of all ages and abilities to engage with their own locality and heritage through archaeology. This year’s Festival will take place from 13-28 July 2019 and features special events hosted by hundreds of organisations across the UK. It will start with a launch event at the British Museum on Saturday 13th July, which also celebrates the Council for British Archaeology’s 75th birthday.

CBA London will have a table at the launch event, so feel free to come and say hello! There will also be activities and events for all ages during the day, just some of which are:

Ask an Archaeologist-11.00-13:00 & 14:00-16.00 Handle historical artefacts, find out what archaeologists dig up & take the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the wonderful world of archaeology

Little Feet – dig up the past -11.00-13:00 & 14:00-16.00 There’s so much archaeology to discover under your little feet. Explore sensory treasures, feel an array of natural materials, find some ancient British animals and make an archaeological momento to take home. Suitable for under 5s, their parents & carers

Legio II Roman Encampment Gladiator & Military Performances 11:00, 12:30, 14.00 Since its inception, over 15 years ago, LEG II AVG’s military and civilian section has grown from strength to strength to become one of Europe’s pre-eminent Roman re-enactment groups. Suitable for all ages, limited capacity

Prehistory Demonstrations with Ancientcraft Bronze Casting & Flint knapping- 11.00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00 2019 is Ancientcraft’s tenth year dedicated to the archaeology of primitive crafts and technologies that encompass three prehistoric ages: Stone; Bronze and Iron.Suitable for all ages, limited capacity

Time Team Special event: The future of archaeology-13.30–14.30 Join members of Time Team including Carenza Lewis, Stewart Ainsworth, John Gater and Francis Pryor for a lunchtime talk as they share their favourite Time Team moments. To book your free tickets for the talk see the booking information below.

For a full list of activities and more information about the launch event, click here.



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