The next London Archaeological Forum-meeting will be held on
Monday the 18th November at 6pm.
The venue is as usual the Museum of London. Address for the museum is 150 London Wall, Barbican, London, EC2Y 5HN.
CBA London has organised the following talks for the next twice yearly LAF.
Update on Museum of London’s move to Smithfield: Roy Stephenson, MOL
Westminster Abbey – the Great Drain: Joe Brookes, PCA
Portable Antiquity Scheme – recent finds and looking forward: Stuart Wyatt, Finds Liaison Officer
Saving the Havering bronze age hoard, plus research for spring exhibition: Roy Stephenson, MOL
We will also have news of a project associated with HS2, and CBA London’s future events and activities.
Suggestions for talks at the next LAF in May 2020 would be welcome, as always. Looking forward to seeing you there!